In case you missed it, CVS is giving out a coupon on facebook for FREE candy or beverage (really, who is going to take a beverage over candy… maybe a very thirsty person?) with a value of up to $2.00. This offer is still available… click here to get yours!
When I went in to get my free candy (made sure I was NOT thirsty), I first scanned my CVS card at the big red coupon machine. And guess what it spit out? A coupon for $1 off Reese’s!
Now I had $3 that I could put toward candy! I picked up a bag of Reese’s peanut butter cups that was on sale for $3.33 (they are not marked at the Sanford CVS, but they are on sale… use the coupon machine to scan for prices). I used both my coupons and paid a total of 41¢ including tax!
Then I gave the candy to my mother :O)
Always scan your CVS card at the coupon machine before you shop! They often spit out coupons to go along with other coupons that are out there! You can stack the coupons that spit out of the machine with your other coupons and save even more money!
I’m going to be honest here and tell you that I was deeply depressed that I could not find any Reese’s for exactly $3. I hated paying that extra 33¢… yes, I HATED that!!! I don’t mind paying tax, but I like the base price to be free. I didn’t cry out loud… only on the inside. They already think I’m nuts at that store, so I had to hide my tears!
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