The Hannaford “weekly flyer” email just arrived and it says that if you scan your myHannaford sticker this week you will get a Catalina coupon for $1 off any Seafood purchase. That coupon will be spitting out of the machine 9/24 through 9/30. Click here to learn how to get your myHannaford sticker.
TIP: If you want to get the coupon before you buy your seafood item, buy just one little item first (you can buy one donut hole for 20¢), have them scan your sticker and you will get the $1 off Seafood coupon. Then turn around and buy your seafood and use your coupon!
Another TIP: If you want to get FREE seafood, just ask for a $1 portion. A dollar’s worth of shrimp is just enough for a stir fry meal for one!
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