I posted earlier about the new $.50/1 Hostess product coupon. But now I have an exciting update to report!
The single serving size Hostess snacks are supposedly 10/$10 (or $1 each, you don’t need to buy 10) at Shaw’s right now!!!
Take your coupons over to Shaw’s where they will double to $1.00 off and you will get single packs of Hostess snacks for FREE!
Are you thinking you’d rather use the coupon toward a box of Hostess instead and pay the difference out of pocket? That’s up to you. Personally, I’d rather shop for totally FREE food. Once you get enough free stuff you will find that it’s better to shop small, shop often, get it for free, build your stockpile… and let other people spend money. Just sayin’ :O)
Thanks for the heads up I Love to Gossip!
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