If you want to pick up a Sunday paper for FREE this week, run on over to Hannaford! Hannaford is running a sweet catalina deal where you earn $1 for every 4 Hannaford or My Essentials products that you buy. You can read up on that deal here.
To get your FREE Sunday paper, simply buy 8 Hannaford or My Essentials items (look for cheap 45¢ canned veggies or get cans of cat food for 33¢ each and also use your Fall Savings coupons to pay that down). You will get a $2 catalina after you make your purchase.
Turn around and use the catalina to buy your Sunday paper! Since the Maine Sunday paper is only $1.75, pick up a little something else so you don’t waste an entire 25¢ (get a donut hole for 20¢ or a packet of Kool-Aid for 22¢ or another can of cat food for 33¢).
You need canned goods in your stockpile anyway, right? Might as well buy them at Hannaford then pick up a FREE Sunday paper!
Note: if you tend to buy 4 Sunday papers like I do, you will need to buy 28 Hannaford or My Essentials items to get a $7 catalina. That will pay for all 4 of your Sunday papers! Woo hoo!
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