Before you know it, the end of the month will be here and all the coupon bloggers will be telling you to print, print, PRINT your coupons before they reset for the new month.
Don’t wait until the end of the month! All that printing is overwhelming. It gives you too many coupons to clip and sort at once. I like to print throughout the month so I can stay somewhat sane… key word is somewhat.
You can print your Redplum coupons directly from my blog any time you want. Just hover over the Print Coupon link in my header to find the Redplum option.
There are never too many coupons on Redplum, so I always just click Select All and Print then whatever coupons I know I don’t need I put on the coupon table at Shaw’s. But don’t be too quick to give your coupons away! If you are new at this, you will be surprised at just how many coupons you will discover you actually need :O)
Print your Redplum coupons here – you get two prints per computer!
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