Hannaford has another great coupon for us! This coupon is in addition to the Catalina Deal where you earn a buck for every 4 Hannaford or My Essential items you buy.
Scan your myHannaford sticker between 10/29 and 11/4 and you will get a coupon for $1.00 off any meat department purchase.
This one says off any meat department purchase so it does not have to be Angus. In fact, it does not have to even be meat! It just has to be from that department (you could pick up a pot pie or something). If you do want meat, be sure to grab a small package with a stickie coupon on it to maximize your savings. I get meat for pennies that way! UPDATE: The email Hannaford sent was a wee bit deceiving. I got my coupon and it says $1 off meat, not any meat department item. So, get some meat!
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