Shaw’s recently started a fun new Wish Big Win Big Holiday Giveaway where they are giving away $15,000,000 in prizes! I ran into the store just to pick up a couple of items so I could finally see what the game is all about.
Here’s the deal… every time you shop you will get a ticket. Inside that ticket are 4 game pieces and a coupon (just keep the coupon, it’s not part of the game). You place the game pieces on the game board and if you fill up any one section on the board, you win that prize!
There are tons of items in the store that will also earn you bonus tickets. It’s quite possible to leave the store with 50 tickets or more, so 200 or more game pieces! The number of tickets you earn will be printed on the bottom of your receipt. Make sure your cashier remembers to give them to you!
Will it be easy to win? Probably not… at least not the super big prizes. But it will be fun trying! The game runs through February 9, 2012, so we have lots of time to try and win!
Get your game board at the store. It should be somewhere by the door. It’s just a glossy folded up paper, not an actual board.
See more details about the Wish Big Win Big Holiday Giveaway here.
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