If you don’t have a SavingStar account yet, I highly suggest you get one! I have been paying closer attention to the eCoupons SavingStar has to offer and I’m finding some really great deals when matched up to manufacturer coupons!
Right now, you can get a total of $2.35 off Truvia Natural Sweetener if you shop at Shaw’s or any store that doubles coupons. Here’s how:
PRINT: $.80/1 package of Truvia Natural Sweetener – will double to $1.60 off
ACTIVATE: Buy 1 Truvia Natural Sweetener and save 75¢ – must activate before you shop
You will save a total of $2.35 when using both the printable coupon and the eCoupon! I don’t know the actual price of Truvia at Shaw’s. But I do know $2.35 off is a very good deal!
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