I just ran over to the Sanford Shaw’s to see if they still had Egg-Lands Best eggs in their reduced dairy section marked down to $1 per dozen… and they did! I was able to buy 12 dozen eggs and they were all FREE thanks to the $.50/1 dozen Egg-Lands Best coupons (they doubled) that I found in my vast collection of coupon inserts!
You might wonder what I’m going to do with 12 dozen eggs. Here’s my plan of action:
1 dozen will be hard boiled and turned into egg salad to eat right now.
3 dozen will be hard boiled and pickled to eat later (I also use pickled eggs for egg salad… yum!)
7 dozen will be scrambled and cooked then divided into 42 individual size breakfast servings. I’ll pop those in the freezer so my mother can have scrambled eggs any time she wants (yes, you can freeze cooked scrambled eggs).
1 dozen will be scrambled and cooked then used in the lasagna that I’m making today. I’m going to put an entire layer of scrambled eggs between the pasta noodles. I’m skipping the meat for this one. It will be just scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, zucchini and yellow squash, and cheese. I’ll make sauce with meat to pour on top when we eat it. YUMMO!!!
Check out my egg articles on Examiner.com!
World’s easiest pickled egg recipe
How to cook hard boiled eggs that peel easily
How to marbelize hard boiled eggs
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