I sure hope I can freeze hummus. I’m about to find out, because I scored BIG TIME tonight on Tribe hummus and I’ll need to freeze most of it. I figure the texture might change if frozen, but that’s no biggie to me. I’ll freeze (and eat) just about anything.
Okay, here’s how I paid only 15¢ for all this by shopping at my lovely Shaw’s in Sanford. Then I got such a sweet surprise after I paid!
Bought (7) Tribe Hummus in reduced deli, $3.49 each, total $24.43
Used (7) $2 off stickies that were on the hummus, total $14.00 OFF
Used (7) $1/1 Tribe hummus from tearpad, total $7.00 OFF
Hummus $24.43 – $14.00 – $7.00 = $3.43
Bought (8) Muir Glen tomato paste, $1.19 each, total $9.52
(the Muir Glen coupons are no longer available)
Used (4) $.85/1 Muir Glen (coupons fully doubled), total $6.80 OFF
Used (4) $.75/1 Muir Glen (coupons fully doubled), total $6.00 OFF
Muir Glen $9.52 – $6.80 – $6.00 = $3.28 overage
I spent $3.43 on the hummus but I made $3.28 on the Muir Glen so I paid only 15¢ for everything! That’s 15¢ for $33.95 worth of hummus and tomato paste!
Then SURPRISE!!! Along with my receipt, I got not one but TWO $2.00 catalina coupons for buying the hummus! Now I have $4.00 to spend on anything next time I shop at Shaw’s! I ended up $3.85 richer than when I entered the store. I had no clue there was a Tribe catalina… I just got super lucky!
And I just did a quick search online and it seems I’ll be able to freeze that hummus and it should thaw perfectly with no change in texture!
NOTE: Even though Shaw’s states they do not allow for overage (it looks like that policy might be changing in our favor… more on that later), if the coupon scans and automatically doubles for the full amount, then they usually don’t catch the overage. You won’t get cash back, so make sure you have enough other stuff to cover the overage. I used Muir Glen coupons before, so I knew they would double for the full amount. I bought just enough hummus to cover the overage.
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