I hit Shaw’s late Friday night to pick up my free butter and a few other things. I expected to be quick, but I ended up shopping for 2.5 hours!
I got quite a bit of stuff, some things which got me very excited, like 6 half gallons of Tru-Moo milk marked down to $1.50 each in reduced dairy… and I had coupons for $1.10 off each one! So, I paid only 40¢ each!
Sorry, but I’m too beat to take a photo. Here is the list:
(2) 2 liter bottles Big Chill soda (free with store coupon)
(1) 2 lb bag Shaw’s flour (45¢ after store coupon)
(1) 2 lb. bag Shaw’s sugar (free with store coupon)
(4) boxes Archway cookies
(8) boxes Zatarains rice
(4) jars Cain’s relish
(1) jar Essential Everyday spaghetti sauce
(4) packets Kikkoman seasoning (all free with coupons)
(5) bags Humpty Dumpty chips
(6) half gallons Tru-moo milk (total $2.40… yippee!)
(12) tubs Land O Lakes butter (all free with coupons)
(8) International Delight creamers (I’m finally out of these coupons)
(4) boxes WhoNu cookies
(4) 1 liter bottles Poland Spring sparkling water (all free with coupons)
(4) boxes Nestle hot cocoa
(8) containers 4C bread crumbs
(1) box spaghetti
Total before Shaw’s card and coupons: $151.39
After Shaw’s card and coupons I paid only $24.81
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