I was walking around Shaw’s with my envelope of coupons that expire today to see if I could put some to good use. I had 5 coupons for $1.50 OFF Purina Kitten Chow, any size bag. I got those coupons quite awhile ago from someone handing out coupons at Walmart. Every week I check to see if the small bags are on sale, and every week… they’re not.
Except for tonight!
Tonight the Purina Kitten Chow was on sale for $2.19 and was also on Clearance for 20% off. That brought the price down to $1.75 per bag. With the coupons, I paid just 25¢ each! How cool is that? I paid $1.25 (plus tax) for 5 pounds of kitten food… too bad I don’t have a cat :O)
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