Brick House by the Commodores

Get Down Tonight – KC and the Sunshine Band

You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees

Super Freak by Rick James

Unglued by Stone Temple Pilots

Car Wash by Rose Royce

Rearviewmirror by Pearl Jam

EXPIRED ** OMG ** Zhu Zhu Pets Madness! Get 9 pets for 11 CENTS at CVS if you still have the coupon from Saturday!

I use affiliate links in some of my posts. I may earn a commission if you use my links. Full disclosure.


Did you go over to CVS yesterday (Saturday) to print out the coupons from the coupon machine?  If you did, you got a coupon for Zhu Zhu pets (that coupon printed out yesterday only). The coupon states that you get the pet for 99¢, but what the coupon really does is deduct $8.89 from your total.

CVS reduced the price of the Zhu Zhu pets to $1 today!  If you buy 9 pets for $9 and use the coupon you got yesterday, the coupon will deduct $8.89 and you will end up paying only 11¢ for all 9 Zhu Zhu pets!!!

If your CVS is still open (mine is open until midnight), and if you still have that coupon, get over there QUICK!

Thanks for the heads up The Krazy Coupon Lady!


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