There are TWO 1/1 SmartSource inserts this week! You can see the previews for both over at Sunday Coupon Preview. Remember, the values may differ by region.
In SmartSource #1, I love the $1/1 Wholly Guacamole and the $.50/1 and $.75/2 Sargento coupons because I find both those items in Shaw’s reduced often!
In SmartSource #2, I like the $.40/1 Soft Soap because that often goes on sale for 99¢, so only 19¢ each if your store doubles coupons!
Always check your newspapers before you buy them to make sure you get your inserts! You can expect 4 inserts: 2 SmartSource, 1 RedPlum, 1 P&G (some are also reporting a possible GM insert)
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