As I sit here printing and cutting tons of coupons, I want to send you yet another reminder that it’s time to print your end of the month coupons!
Check the sites below and print the coupons you like. Some of the coupons will go bye bye when we turn the page to Jan 1. Others will reset which gives you a chance at more prints! So, get busy!
PRINTING TIP: Most coupon sites give you 2 prints per computer. Sometimes it’s hard to find the little buggers after the first print, especially on What I do is open 2 matching windows then I click the coupons I want to print in both windows. When I’m done, I print the coupons in each window! Works like a charm!
SavingStar – eCoupons (General Mills) Sign up Here
Qué Rica Vida – prints in Spanish and English
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