Here is a SavingStar coupon matchup for you!
Right now, you can print a manufacturer’s coupon for Wet Ones and you can also activate a SavingStar eCoupon for Wet Ones. If your store doubles coupons, you can score a really good deal on a canister of Wet Ones!
Print this coupon: $.75/1 canister Wet Ones – will double to $1.50 off
Activate this eCoupon: $.75/1 canister Wet Ones
After your coupon doubles, and after your SavingStar refund, you will get a total of $2.25 OFF a canister of Wet Ones!
I’m not sure of the price of Wet Ones at Shaw’s, but I bet if they go on sale, we can pick up a canister for FREE. Even at regular price, I bet we get a good deal. I will do a price check today and will update.
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