There are some new Campbell’s soup coupons on and on the Campbell’s website. These will come in handy during a sale at a store where coupons double… like at Shaw’s!
Print from both sources to get extra prints! I’m breaking them down for you so you can see how much you save per soup with each coupon.
Coupons for Campbell’s Condensed Soup
(excludes Great for Cooking soups) 40¢ off 3 cans – after it doubles you get 26¢ off per can
Campbell’s site: $1.00 off 5 cans – you get 20¢ off per can
Coupons for Campbell’s Great for Cooking Condensed Soup
(these are usually the cream soups) 40¢ off 3 cans – after it doubles you get 26¢ off per can
Campbell’s site: 50¢ off 4 cans – after it doubles you get 25¢ off per can
Coupons for Campbell’s Slow Kettle Style Soup $1.00 off 2 soups – you get 50¢ off each
Campbell’s site: $1.00 off 1 soup – you get $1.00 off each – way better!
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