Each time you shop at Hannaford between Jan 7 and Jan 13, have the cashier scan your myHannaford sticker and you will get a coupon for $5.00 off a $50 purchase.
If you are going shopping and think you will spend over $50, here is what you do:
Pick up ONE cheapie item. Just one. Have the cashier scan your myHannaford sticker, pay for that ONE item and get your $5 off $50 coupon from the catalina machine (they’ll give it to you with your receipt). Then do the rest of your shopping and you’ll be able to use your $5 off coupon to pay down the bill!
You will get a $5 off $50 coupon each time you shop. If you think you will be spending over $100, split your shopping into TWO $50 trips and use a $5 off coupon for each trip! Bring your calculator!
If you get a $5 off $50 and you know you’ll never use it (I know I won’t because I never spend $50 in one shot) hand it over to someone else who is checking out. They will totally appreciate it!
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