Congrats to the winners of Monday’s giveaway, Melissa Doody and Norma Thompson! Please email me your mailing addresses and I’ll send out your coupons.
Monday’s giveaway was so popular that I’m doing it again today! The way to enter has changed a bit, so please read this entire post.
If you live close to a Hannaford, you might want to get in on this one. I’m giving away $20 worth of Hannaford coupons from the coupon booklet that came out last fall.
The winner will get…
(10) $1 off any Hannaford item
(10) $1 off any My Essential item
The nice thing about these coupons is they do not state a minimum purchase, so you can walk in a buy a $1 item and get it for FREE! Use all the coupons and you’ll get $20 worth of FREE food!
The coupons expire March 16, and since you can only use 1 of each per transaction (it states one per household but they have always allowed using them each time you shop), you will need to do 10 mini trips to use them all.
Want to win? Here’s how:
1. Be sure you are subscribed to my daily email. Look for the subscribe box under my smiling face on this blog and sign up. You will have to check your email to verify the subscription. If you subscribed in the past but you don’t get my email, you probably never verified, so sign up again. If you already get my daily email, just skip down to step 2.
2. Leave a comment on the facebook post for this giveaway and also “like” the post. Click here to go to the facebook post and leave a comment stating that you entered the giveaway! Also “like” the post while you are there!
3. Like my facebook page. If you have not already “liked” Deals by Darlene, please do! If I reach 900 fans before midnight, I will pick 2 lucky winners instead of just 1 lucky winner!
4. Send me an email. Send an email to This email counts as your entry so you must do this step to be eligible to win!
***BONUS*** If you share the post on facebook, your entry will count as 3 entries so you’ll have a better chance of winning! You must let me know that you shared the post when you send me your email. You don’t have to do this step to be eligible.
I’ll pick a random winner (or 2 winners if I reach 900 fans) after midnight tonight!
Good luck!
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