One of the most fun survey panels is sending out invitations to have new members sign up! I wish so bad I could get in on this gig!
Why is this a fun survey panel? Because National Consumer Panel (NCP) sends qualified members a hand scanner. You scan all your purchases then send the info to them one a week. In exchange, you earn points for awesome gifts! There are cash incentive surveys too!
Why am I not part of the excitement? Because I have yet to qualify… boo hoo, boo hoo. Shoppers already mistake me for a store employee because I’m there with my clipboard taking notes and doing price checks. I’d feel super special if I could holding a scanner too!
If you are curious to see if NCP is at least accepting members in your area, you can fill out the little bit of info on the first page. If I remember correctly, if your area is NOT needed, they will tell you right away.
If you are prompted to fill out a questionnaire, that means they ARE looking for new members in your area, but you are not guaranteed to get in. You have to fill out all the info (beware, the questionnaire can be lengthy) and the answers to your questions will determine if you get in or not. Answer honestly.
It’s at least worth checking your zip code to see if it gets your foot in the door! Then you can decide if you want to fill out the questionnaire.
And of course, all this is FREE! It’s even free to send back the scanner any time you want to quit.
Sign up for National Consumer Panel
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