Heads up! CouponNetwork.com has a new feature on some of their coupons. It’s called Video Rewards! If you see a little video icon next to the coupon like in the image below, you can watch the video before you print the coupon and the value of the coupon will increase.
In the example below, you would have two choices. You could print the Knorr coupon as is and get $.65 off, or you could watch the video then print the coupon and you’d get an additional $.70 off… so the coupon prints as $1.35 off. That’s great for this coupon because the Video Rewards coupon is even higher than if the $.65 was doubled.
They also have Video Rewards for the Peanut Butter Cheerios. In this case, those of us who want FREE CEREAL at Shaw’s would NOT want to use the Video Rewards because it would only add $.30 to the coupon, so the final value would be $1.10, and that’s not as good as an $.80 coupon that doubles to $1.60 off… so plan your Video Rewards wisely!
If you already printed the cereal coupons, you will no longer see the Video Reward option. But, if you have not printed this Knorr Stock coupon, you can check it out to see what I mean.
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