Here are some coupons you can use to save on munchies for the big game on Sunday!
Food and Snacks
$1.00 off Manwich and Sara Lee Buns
$1.00 OFF on ANY variety of Land O’Frost Wrap Kit or Sub Sandwich Kit
$3.00 off HORMEL Party Tray product
$1.00 off when you buy FIVE any flavor/variety Totino’s® Crisp Crust Party Pizza® Products
$1.00 off two (2) packages of ARMOUR Pepperoni
$0.40 off one Frigo Cheese Heads String Cheese
$1.00 OFF 2 ARMOUR Meatball Products
75¢ off when you buy any ONE Dean’s® Heat ‘n Eat Dip
$1.00 off when you buy any SIX 7.5 oz or larger of HOT POCKETS® Brand Items
$0.75 off any TWO (2) Bagel-fuls (4ct)
50¢ off when you buy ONE BOX Fun da-middles™ Cupcake Mix
$1.00 off one bag of M&M’S Pretzel
$0.75 off FRENCH’S Dijon Mustard
$0.30 off FRENCH’S Spicy Brown Mustard
$1.00 off ONE 6-pack Snapple Tea
$2.00 off two cans of illy issimo
For the Home
$1.00 off Glade Expressions™ Fragrance Mist
$0.55 off Glade Carpet & Room Odor Eliminator
$1.00 off any Glade Fabric & Air Odor Eliminator
For the Hangover :O)
$2.00 off On Any Aleve 80ct or larger
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