Part 2 of 3! Want to Jump in on the Extreme Coupon Wagon? Simple steps to Start You on Your Coupon Adventure!
Step #2.
Now that you have started on this coupon journey there are some things you will need a ample supply of whether you plan on extreme couponing or just cutting a few costs on your grocery bill you still need the following to get you started:
Some sort of organizer for your coupons – There are many out there, and some use just plain envelopes. Either way you need to be able to find coupons when needed and have them organized enough that you can pull out what you need without having to take 20 minutes to find that $5 off a $25 purchase coupon you got just days ago. Envelopes, Coupon holders, Recipe holders. Recipe Boxes, Plastic Card sheets, Baggies, these are all different ways you can organize and store your coupons with ease.
Plastic Bin for inserts, newspapers etc – I use one because well frankly I can’t get to my coupons right away and I don’t need them sitting around where my husband can use them to try and light the fireplace. Put your papers in a bin with Scissors, slip them under your bed or in a free space where you know they will be and you won’t dread having to pull them out.
Now that you have somewhere to store and organize your coupons you will also need plenty of printing paper and black ink.
Check back with Deals by Darlene tomorrow for Part 3 and Step #3 to get you started on clipping coupons like the pros!
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