Brick House by the Commodores

Get Down Tonight – KC and the Sunshine Band

You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees

Super Freak by Rick James

Unglued by Stone Temple Pilots

Car Wash by Rose Royce

Rearviewmirror by Pearl Jam

Possible Goya Rice at Shaw’s for 15 CENTS with Printable Coupon

I use affiliate links in some of my posts. I may earn a commission if you use my links. Full disclosure.

Okay, this is a s-t-r-e-t-c-h but I think it’s worth mentioning. Last night when I was cuddling up with my iPad (pathetic, I know), I saw a post somewhere by a fan I recognized from my facebook page (might be Stephanie???) about a deal she got at Shaw’s on Goya Rice.

The deal was that she found Goya Rice on sale at Shaw’s for 50% off. She used a coupon and got the rice for only $.15 each.

I have no idea if this is for all Shaw’s (most likely not) and I’m not sure if the sale ends today (most likely does, but maybe not) and I’m not sure which store she shopped at (not Sanford, I don’t think) and I’m not sure which coupon she used (do you see a pattern here?). In other words, I know nothing. Well, I do know this… you don’t stand much of a chance of scoring this deal… LOL

With that said, it’s still a good idea to print these Goya coupons. And next time you hit Shaw’s, just look for the rice to make me happy.  Who knows, you might just score some cheap rice!

Various coupons for Goya Products

P.S. I sometimes find Goya products in reduced grocery at Shaw’s.


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