Want to Jump in on the Extreme Coupon Wagon? Simple steps to Start You on Your Coupon Adventure! Part 1 of 3!
You know you have seen it all over TV, Magazines, Websites and your preferred mommy boards. Extreme Couponing has become a huge fad especially with our economy in the state that it is. Large and small families alike are looking to save that extra dollar anywhere humanly possible. Scores of articles are out there describing some of the most extreme buys you could think of.. “Mary purchased 50 rolls of toilet paper for $5!” or “I got this whole cart of groceries for $9.49. So where do you start on this money saving tree of couponing?
I decided to try and tackle this adventure myself. After moving to Maine from Arizona and finding that things, especially groceries can be much more expensive (I often paid $1-$1.99 per gallon of milk in Arizona, where in Maine I am lucky to get it for $3.50 and usually pay $4 or more!). I have come to realize I just don’t have the time the go to the extremes!, however I have not only found out some great tips on how to get started, but how to make it less work for you as well!
Step #1. Ask yourself how much time a day, or week do you have to commit to couponing. Remember many online deals can last hours or a mere few minutes once they reach a limit the coupon can no longer be attained. So that cool deal you saw at 9am about your favorite make-up may not be printable come 12pm. It’s just a risk you take on the couponing journey!
If you don’t have a printer, you will need one if you want to take advantage of online coupons!
Join me here at Deals by Darlene tomorrow! As I go through a few simple steps to get you started on your couponing journey! Don’t forget your Sunday paper inserts!!
Posted By: Jody Pagliocco <3
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