I stopped by my Sanford Shaw’s today just to see if there were any goodies in reduced produce. While I was there, Vicki the Customer Service Rep came over and asked me if I saw the new Shaw’s coupon policy. I told her I only saw part of it on a blog and was waiting for the official policy online (it’s not online yet).
Vicki was happy to tell me that Shaw’s now allows for OVERAGES!!! I said “show me where it says that!!!” …then I almost kissed her!
There is a line in the new policy that says, “Any combined discounts, including coupons, may not exceed the value of the transaction.” The key word in that line is transaction. Vicki explained that they will allow overages within the transaction but just won’t give cash back if the entire transaction is in the negative. So, if you find Wholly Guacamole in reduced for $1.00 and you have a $1.50 coupon, you will get the overage as long as you have something else in your cart… without having to take a Xanax to get through it all!
With that said, there are still times coupons will not double to the full amount. One example I can think of is Taster’s Choice singles. If I remember right, once upon a time I had coupons for $.75/1 but the regular price of the box of singles was $1.39 so the coupon only doubled up to $1.39 for those. I did not get the overage (yes, we used to get overages at times, even when we weren’t supposed to). It all depends on how the coupon scans. Vicki said they will just scan away and if our coupons double to the full value we get the overage toward the rest of our order. Ain’t that grand??
As for other policy changes, Vicki says we can now use printed BOGO coupons, but the wording on that still has me confused. It says, “All mfg internet coupons valued at $5 or more, including BOGO internet coupons valued at $5 or more, may be accepted based upon managerial review and approval.” So to me, that sounds like if a BOGO is for less than $5, we don’t even need approval… only if it’s for more than $5?
I’ll post my mini trip next… stay tuned!
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