Someone on facebook was just asking me if the Cascadian Farm coupons were worth it (that cereal is expensive) and I explained that I often find certain varieties on clearance and usually get it free or cheap with coupons!
Well, lookie at what Paul over at I Heart the Mart found at his Walmart! He found Chocolate O’s on clearance for only $.50. After coupons, this is better than free… it’s a Money Maker!
Here are the deals if you can find this cereal on clearance at your Walmart:
Buy (1) Cascadian Farm clearance cereal for $.50
Use (1) $.75/1 any Cascadian Farm product
Final price is FREE plus $.25 Money Maker!
Buy (1) Cascadian Farm clearance cereal for $.50
Use (1) $.85/1 any Cascadian Farm product
Final price is FREE plus $.35 Money Maker!!!
NOTE: I often find these on clearance at Shaw’s too where the coupon will double. I always print my limit of Cascadian Farm coupons because there always seems to be at least one variety on clearance somewhere. Keep your coupons with you and anytime you go to a store, check Cascadian Farm products (check their bars too)! I never pay more than 50¢ for any Cascadian Farm. If I can’t get it that low, I walk away.
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