Specials, Deals, and Great Prices the often overlooked place to shop!
When we look for specials, we often thing “big” as in the big names, big box companies. I mean it is whats advertised the most everywhere right? However we often overlook deals and savings that is right in our own back yard! I am talking about smaller companies, grocers, and farmers markets. These types of places can have great deals cheaper prices than some of the larger stores.
For instance I have a local small market that I go to here in Wells, Maine for allot of my shopping and always especially for my meats. I find that their quality and prices are great compared to allot of the larger grocers! They cryo-vac/seal the meats I buy in any portion I like for free even! Plus on wednesdays on their facebook they have specials that you can take advantage of. If you shoping around the bigger stores, check out your online resources for any smaller grocers, farmers markets and various other services as you may find savings you never would have thought of! Even free samples and giveaways!
Always check for facebook pages, and websites. Most small businesses nowadays have one or the other, if not both. This is a great way for you to stay up to date on specials and advertisements. Yahoo groups, general email lists, and even forums can be found for most small businesses and services.
Pay attention in your neighborhood and town for any signs of businesses and services you may use as well, sometimes some of the best deals can be in your own backyard!
Posted By: Jody Pagliocco
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