Here are the current catalina coupon offers from aka YourBucks Offers. Remember, these are not coupons you use at the register, but instead are coupons that spit out of the catalina machine with your receipt. It’s a good idea to print any offer you are interested in so you have the exact details. Also, if your cat does not print at the register, you can show customer service your printout to hopefully get a refund.
Save up to $5.00 in future savings when you buy two or more Caffeine Free Diet Coke 12 packs
Condiments & Sauces
Save up to $2.00 in future savings when you buy two or more Kikkoman Sauces or Marinades
Earn $20.00 RedEnvelope® Gift Certificate when you buy $10 of select HÄAGEN-DAZS® Products
Frozen Foods
Save $5.00 in future savings when you buy any two or more FRESCHETTA® Pizzas 12oz or larger
Health & Nutrition
Save up to $3.00 in future savings when you buy one or more Visine® products ½ fl oz or larger
Save up to $3.00 in future savings when you buy two or more Solo® Cups, Plates or Bowls
Save up to $3.00 in future savings when you buy two or more Green Works® Products
Meats & Seafood
Save up to $4.00 in future savings when you buy three or more OSCAR MAYER Lunchmeats
Prepaid Cards/gift Cards
Save 10% In future savings at Disney Store or when you purchase a Disney Gift Card
Save $5.00 in future savings when you buy $20 or more in Sti International Prepaid Phone Cards
Save $10.00 in future savings when you buy $150 or higher in Lowe’s Gift Cards
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