I was too tired to set up for a photo shoot, so I will just describe my shopping trip at Shaw’s tonight.
I did two identical transactions but I’m lumping all into one for the sake of making it easy. Just split it all in half and those are the two transactions:
I bought this stuff
(8) boxes Mueller’s pasta on sale for $1.00 each
(6) Stonyfield Yogurts on sale for $.60 each
(4) Cabot Cream Cheese in reduced dairy for $.75 each
(2) dozen eggs in reduced dairy for $1.25 each
(2) big bags cole slaw in reduced produce for $1.00 each
I used these coupon…
(8) $.55/1 Mueller’s (all doubled, 2 transactions)
(2) $2/3 Stonyfield
(2) $1/2 Cabot
After coupons (and after it subtracted $.16 tax) I paid only $4.14! That works out to only $.19 per item!
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