UPDATE: The new coupon has a restriction and we can’t use it on the 16 count pagkage. See if you can still grab the other coupon or you might want to order insert coupons.
There is a new Kotex coupon that just came out that you can take to Walmart to pick up FREE panty liners! And the cool thing about this coupon is that it’s for (2) packages so even if you have just one computer and can print only 2 coupons, you can score 4 free boxes of liners!
Here’s the deal at Walmart (should be FREE at Target too!):
Buy (2) Kotex Natural Balance Liners, 16 ct, at $.94 each (Sanford price)
Use (1) $2/2 Kotex Natural Balance coupon (can’t use this Q for this deal)
You might get 2 prints HERE if you didn’t print yet!
Final price is 2 boxes for FREE plus $.12 Money Maker!
There is also a $1.50/2 in 5/20 SS (exp 6/3) or HERE which makes them only $.19 per package!
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