If you want to be an extreme couponer, you have to take advantage of buying items when you can get them for free or near free. That means you must be willing to stock up on brands you probably never used before.
I have used Prell most of my adult life (before that I used Halo… anyone remember that one?). But, right now I’m using VO5 because it was FREE! Do I miss my Prell? Yes! And if I can ever get it for free, I’ll stock up on it. I might even be willing to pay $1 for Prell… ummmm… $1 is kind of high. I’d pay 50 cents… maybe. Or maybe I’ll just stick to free shampoo. I like FREE much better!
If you insist on sticking to only what you know and love, you can still save some money, but you won’t enjoy the savings extreme couponers get. At the very least, visit your brands on facebook and their websites to see if they offer any coupons. If you find some, let me know about it!
Be brave! Try new things and save tons of money!
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