I know I always say if you really want to save money by couponing, you can’t be fussy. Well, deodorant is one of those exceptions. You need to buy what works for you, not what is necessarily the cheapest! However, you can still save money by waiting for a sale on your special brand then using coupons to stock up.
If Dry Idea is your preferred brand, you will want to print this coupon quick! Then use it at a store that doubles coupons (during a sale!!!) or wait for a drugstore sale or if you need it now, shop somewhere like Walmart or Target where you’ll get a good non-sale price.
$.75/1 Dry Idea Roll On or Clear Gel
Here’s the deal at Walmart:
Buy (1) Dry Idea at $2.96
Use (1) $.75/1 Dry Idea Roll On or Clear Gel
Final price is $2.21
P.S. My fave is Suave Roll On and although there are often coupons for Suave and plenty of sales to match them to, most of my stores do NOT carry the roll on, only the solid. Kind of irks me a bit… but not enough to work up a sweat over it ;O)
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