The Earthbound Farm coupon is back! This prints for ANY Earthbound Farm product. You do not have to use it for the image on the coupon!
Sanford Shaw’s Shoppers: The carrots are currently on sale in Sanford for $.99. You will get a $.20 overage per bag since the coupon will double up to the regular price of $1.19… at least in Sanford! Remember, only 4 “like” coupons will double. If you pick up 4 pounds, you will make $.80 toward other stuff!
Facebook fan Beth said she found Earthbound Farm Hearts of Romaine at Shaw’s (not sure which one) for $1.99, so only $.49 after the coupon doubled! Look around your store!
You can also pick up Earthbound Farm carrots at Walmart. They are priced at $1.14 in Sanford, so only $.39 for a pound bag!
$.75/1 Any Earthbound Farm Product (you will need to register or log in) – This prints out for ANY Earthbound Farm product… ignore the pic on the coupon!
*** PRINTING TIP *** If you register with different email addresses, you can get extra prints on the same computer! I print 8 coupons on one computer using 4 of my email addresses!
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