How much time will I have to invest in couponing to save money?
You can save lots of money using coupons, even if you don’t have much free time. It will take longer to build your stockpile, but build it you will!
I think most couponers go through a cycle. I started by grabbing a few deals here and there, but then I got addicted and took it so seriously that all I seemed to be doing was clipping, planning, shopping, and blogging. It took over my life. Now I have found a happy medium. You will too!
You get to decide just how much time you want to spend on couponing. The trick is to make finding at least one or two deals per week a priority. If you can, check your favorite blogs 2 or 3 times a day and just scroll through the deals to see if there is anything you like. If you see something, it’s a good idea to print the coupons right then and there because some go away quick.
As you get better at planning your shopping according to the deals, you will save lots of time. You can then spend that time finding a few more deals. You can certainly cut your grocery bill in half by devoting a few hours a week to couponing, and by shopping sales on items you don’t have coupons for.
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