In my attempt to save more money this year, besides couponing, I’m on the hunt for tips. I came across this list and I must say, I like some of them! And I practice some of them! I don’t buy books. I get them at the library. I don’t rent videos. I get them free at the library. I have, however, just signed up for streaming on Netflix again because they offered me a free month. I will cancel before I have to pay.
Here are some of the tips from that popped out at me:
Send away for and follow up on rebates: After you buy a product with a rebate, send in the form that day. Then mark your calendar to remind yourself to follow up with the rebate company if the check hasn’t show up. (I am guilty of not taking advantage of rebates!)
Buy your car over the internet: Search the internet for information on the car you want and then send e-mail requests to dealers for the best price. Even if the dealer is located in another state, the cost to have the car delivered may still be worth it. (I totally plan to do all my wheelin’ and dealin’ online for my next used car because I hate face to face! Oh, and I always buy used!)
Drive your car longer. The buy new verses used debate often overlooks the most important factor–how long you own your car. Drive it as long as you safely can for substantial savings. (I drive my cars until they are ready for the graveyard!)
Don’t pay interest on credit cards. This is obvious, but as soon as you fail to pay off the credit card in full, the high interest payments start to eat away at your monthly budget. If the temptation to spend more than you can pay on a credit card is to great, get rid of the credit card. (I pay my card online in full twice a week so I never get behind!)
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