I just realized that today is April 30! It was 2 years ago today that I started my coupon journey! My addiction was instant and I worked hard at getting all the best deals. In less than 2 months I had saved enough to pay for 3 round trip tickets to fly to Memphis, scoop up my granddaughter Skylar, bring her to Maine, then bring her back! I’ve done that entire trip 3 more times since then, and also flew my son and Skylar here once. All flights paid with my coupon savings!
I started this blog in August of the same year, 2011. In May I was a newbie, like many of you. And just a few months later I had a blog and was teaching others. And now my life is all about deals and coupons! I’m talking consumed by it! lol
If you are just starting out with couponing, please know that you can do it! It can be done! I know, because I do it! And it doesn’t take long to get good at it. And with the money you save, you’ll be able to afford the therapy you’ll need when you start to feel sick when couponing completely takes over your life. Oh boy, it’s been quite a journey! lol
BE COOL -> Subscribe to my Youtube channel
Happy Anniversary! I can’t believe that you only started two years ago! You’re such a pro already and a guru to so many! Thank you for all that you do!
Happy Anniversary! I am going on my 2 years soon and am so thankful for learning how to do that and adopting the “rules and regulations” of using coupons the right way to save a ton of money! You have been a real treat to follow and are by far my favorite and sweetest blog poster! Keep up the good… savings! 🙂
I began couponing Jan. 2012…I too was instantly addicted. Today I have a huge stockpile and only do the best deals in any week. I had to pull in the reigns a bit and learn I did not need every deal.
Congratulations Darlene. You have been a great teacher.
Happy Anniversary! I’ve been couponing for about 2 years now, but only found your site within the last 4-6 months…and am now a regular follower. Thanks for all you do!!
I have followed you from the “early” days-ans I know first hand the panic and anxiety that sets in when you realize you only have 1 bottle left ( of detergent, mustard, ketchup, mayo, salad dressing, bbq sauce…LOL!! OMG! What if I have to pay FULL price!