Newbie Tuesday Tip: Look at how much you’re spending, not at how much you’re saving!
I see it all the time. Someone posts a picture of their recent shopping trip and the caption reads “I just saved $80!” Then I look at the items they bought and it might be $100 worth of stuff that they could have lived without. The moral of this story is that if you spend $20 on $100 worth of stuff that you didn’t absolutely need, you didn’t save $80. You wasted $20!
Don’t use coupons just for the sake of using them. If something is free or near free, you have my permission to stock up, even if it’s something you don’t like! It’s good practice, and you can donate to family, friends or the nearest food pantry or shelter. But if you have to open your wallet a little wider, make sure you’re spending on stuff you really need and will actually use.
P.S. Next time you say you saved money by using coupons, take that exact amount of money and put it in the bank. That’s what the word “saved” means! (and it adds up fast!)
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