Newbie Tuesday – How do I know which coupons to print or order?
If you are new to couponing, the biggest mistake you can make is to go nuts printing and ordering all kinds of coupons. Most of them will go to waste! Or even worse, you will feel obligated to use them then you’ll end up spending way too much money because you’ll be using the coupons on items that are not on sale, so the deal will stink!
I suggest newbies start out by printing or ordering only coupons that your deals blogger has spelled out for you. And start out small. Pick one or two deals and try them. As you move forward in your coupon journey, you will get better at picking out the good coupons on your own.
Curious to know where you can print coupons? Check this list!
Want to see what’s out there for insert coupons? Search here!
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