Petco will be open on Friday November 29th. All sales will be good through 12/1! Even better make any in store purchase on 11/29 with your PALS reward card and get a FREE pair of antlers for your dog or cat!! Go here to check out the ad!
Here are some of the deals
50% off Aqueon Betta Bowls
50% off Pet Mate Delux Hooded Litter Boxes
50% off Naturally Fresh Cat Litter
50% off Live Reptiles
50% off Petco Brand Treat Bar Treats
50% off Petco Brand Diamond Plush Dog Beds
50% off Aqueon 13-gal Widescreen Aquatic Kit
50% off Zilla 10-gal Reptile Starter Kits
50% off Posh Paws Service
50% off Carefresh Natural Pet Bedding
50% off Kaytee Natural Timothy Hay
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