Shaw’s will have a BOGO sale on Coppertone product from 6/27 – 7/3. And yes, you CAN use a $3/2 coupon on a bogo sale at Shaw’s! If the register only deducts $1.50, you need to have the cashier manually adjust the coupon. Save yourself the hassle and use the self-scan. It should deduct the full $3 at the self-scan. If it doesn’t, call someone over to have them fix it.
Here’s the deal at Shaw’s 6/27 – 7/3
Buy (2) Coppertone products B1G1 FREE (prices vary)
cheaper one will be free with the store bogo sale
Use (1) $3/2 Coppertone printable coupon
Final price will vary, but you get 2 items, you pay for only 1 item, and you get $3.00 off!
There is also a $3/2 Coppertone coupon in the 6/22 SmartSource Insert
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