Guess what? The printable coupons on reset wicked early this month! They usually start resetting late afternoon (used to be late night) but this month they are already reset and it’s still morning (well, it was when I started this post)!
Here’s what you need to know about reset coupons…
If you printed a coupon earlier and it reset, you can now get 2 more prints!
Not all coupons reset, so if you see something you printed earlier and you can’t print it again, that means it did not reset. Generally, Betty Crocker and Pillsbury (and their sister coupons) do not reset. We have to wait for new coupons on the first of the month for those.
The difference between a reset coupon and a brand new coupon is the coupon ID number. A reset coupon will have the same ID. A new coupon will have a different ID.
Coupons on currently reset on the last day of the month and again mid month, usually between the 10th and the 15th.
There’s really no way to know if coupons are reset other than printing a bunch before they reset then checking to see if you can print again.
Coupons may not reset for everyone at the same time, so if yours are not reset yet, try again later. Also, updated at the top of every hour. So wait until the new hour has passed before bothering to check again.
You should play with other zip codes after a reset because coupons in other regions will reset too!
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