Shaw’s Flyer and Video for 1/16 – 1/22
Learn more about Savings Catcher and Bluebird here
Join Darlene’s Savings Catchers group here
NOTE: Savings Catcher has been having issues with price matching Shaw’s for 2 weeks in a row. Please only use Savings Catcher if you are okay with possibly having your refunds delayed. You can join my group to get up-to-date info. We have someone from Savings Catcher helping out with disputes right in my group! I’ve designated my group as a “no complaint zone” so please abide by that rule. If you are a natural complainer (lol) then Savings Catcher might not be right for you.
You can do this deal if your WALMART price matches SHAW’S (Sanford does!)
ANOTHER NOTE: I have confirmed that Savings Catcher WILL match the lowest price of the Mega Sale and you do NOT need to buy 10 items!
Here’s the deal at Walmart 1/16 – 1/22
Buy Kraft Mayo 30 oz at Walmart priced at $3,88 (can vary)
do not price match at the register
Savings Catcher should price match Shaw’s sale at $1.99
Savings Catcher refund is $1.89
Bluebird will double refund to $3.78
Final price is $3.88 – $3.78 = $.10 with NO coupon!
If you also use the $.55/1 Kraft Mayo 1/18 Smartsource insert coupon you will get it for FREE plus have a $.45 MONEY MAKER!
BE COOL -> Subscribe to my Youtube channel
That coupon is good for either the Mayo or Miracle Whip
Thanks. There is also a .50/1 printable on 😉