Brick House by the Commodores

Get Down Tonight – KC and the Sunshine Band

You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees

Super Freak by Rick James

Unglued by Stone Temple Pilots

Car Wash by Rose Royce

Rearviewmirror by Pearl Jam

Wednesday Chat – Roller Coaster Emotions, Binge Watching Videos, My Newest Youtube Pick

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It’s Hump Day!  And that’s a very good way to describe my emotions lately. I have high highs and low lows. Changing careers is very scary territory, but I’m still loving my decision.  There are just so many things that need to fall into place, and that takes time. I’m willing to wait, but my bank account is in a hurry. lol

I posted a craft video last night.  I sure do need practice with those!  I think I need to come up with some very easy crafts that are easier to record then work my way to the more complicated stuff. One thing with craft videos is you can’t do retakes because you can’t go back and magically undo the step you just did. Like you can’t uncut fabric, you know what I mean, jelly bean?  I’ll get better with experience.

Another thing I must do, besides revamp the look of this blog, is revamp the look of my youtube channel. I have never paid attention to that. I currently have a banner of food from a shopping trip. That no longer reflects who I am. And it’s a lousy picture to begin with! I’m also learning the importance of good thumbnails on youtube, and I think I instinctively got that part correct. According to Video Creators (my newest youtube binge watching delight), thumbnails should reflect exactly what the video is about. I think mine do that. When you see my head on a pillow, you know I’m going to chat with you while yawning. lol

And speaking of binge watching, when I first got turned on to youtube, that very first night I spent 4 hours binge watching Bunny Meyer over on her grav3yardgirl channel.  I was hooked! Not only was I hooked on Bunny, but I was hooked to the whole idea of expressing myself via video. I started recording immediately, but for the first 6 months it was just my voice, no face. This is the first video where I appeared on camera, and it was because I was so excited about all the yarn that my mother received for her birthday. I wanted to show everyone the yarn and also thank everyone in person!

Okay, back to binge watching.  When I started publishing videos, I decided that if I ever got to the point where someone said they binge watched my videos, in my book, that meant I made it. It took over a year and more than 500 videos, but finally, I got the comments I desired!!!

Just found your channel tonight an I’m glad I did. You’re so much fun! Never thought watching someone shop would be so entertaining but you’re just hilarious. Can’t wait binge watch when I get the chance.

I have spent all day watching your videos, a very interesting, educated, well spoken, talented, loving lady!

I’m so glad I found your channel today. I have been watching all day and laughing my head off!!

You have no idea how happy those comments make me!  If I can make anyone feel like Bunny made me feel that first night I binge watched until my iPad died, then in my heart, that’s all that matters.


P.S. If you are a youtube content creator, I highly suggest you watch Tim Schmoyer over on Video Creators. Tim is very helpful no matter if you’re just starting out or if you’ve been producing content for a long time!


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