Brick House by the Commodores

Get Down Tonight – KC and the Sunshine Band

You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees

Super Freak by Rick James

Unglued by Stone Temple Pilots

Car Wash by Rose Royce

Rearviewmirror by Pearl Jam

What I Ate During My Vacation – Days 56 thru 62 – Over 2 Months ZC!

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darlene michaud vacation meat

What I Ate During My Memphis Vacation – I did not have a chance to do individual updates on what I ate while on vacation.  And I never even bothered to write stuff down.  However, I did try to take pics of my main meal each day.  I will do a break down to the best of my memory.

What Stayed the Same During My Trip – I stuck to only meat and animal products for the entire trip.  I ate meat and eggs and some cheese.

What Changed During My Trip – I grazed during my travel days.  I cooked meat for the plane rides and I ate when I could.  I normally do not graze at all and only eat full meals.  I also didn’t eat enough during my entire trip just because I was busy and exhausted. And not eating enough threw me off big time.  I felt sick.  Most of that is from lack of sleep and humidity, but I also think not eating enough decreased my energy.  I skipped coffee just because I was too lazy to make it.  I introduced milk (it’s allowed but not ideal) and have decided I’m going to keep up with that because I love milk.  Many find that it prohibits weight loss but I’m not trying to lose weight so I’m fine with that.  As long as it does not trigger cravings, I’m going to stick with it.  Of course, I still drink mainly water.

NOTE:  I will now be back to daily food updates.  I will also be posting more about this way of life so please subscribe to my blog so you can follow along if this interests you.

Wednesday 1/11 – Day 56

This was the day before my trip so I was not able to update.   I can’t find the image for that day, but I know I ate only ZC and ate the same amounts as normal.

darlene michaud zero carb way of life new york sirloin

Thursday 1/12 – Day 57

This was the day I flew to Memphis.  I ate the steak you see above.  I cut it into 4 pieces and bagged each separately.  I chewed on those like an animal.  I also had 2 hamburger patties and some scrambled eggs.  I ate everything during my travels, a little at a time, throughout the day.  This was a day that I grazed.  I also bought meat as soon as I landed in Memphis and ate some more meat that night. I think.  I’m not sure.  If I did, it was not much.  I was not hungry at all.  Oh, I think I might have just grabbed some cheese which is ZC, but cheese alone is not a meal.  Every meal should be mainly meat and cheese can be a side.

darlene michaud zero carb way of life meat only diet

Friday 1/13 – Day 58

I cooked the loveliness you see above which is sliced beef, ground beef, swiss cheese and chedder cheese. I ate only about half of that mix.  The cheese was a special touch that I needed to be able to at least scoff down some meat.  I was surprisingly bored with just meat. No appetite at all.   I think that is because I was away from home and out of my element.  I know I ate the rest of what was on that plate that night and I’m quite sure that was all.  Oh, and I drank some milk. Whole milk.  So good!


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Saturday 1/14 – Day 59

That day, for my main meal I ate beef slices, ground beef and a few pieces of smoked sausage.  Skylar was with me for lunch and she also chowed down on this with me.  I can’t remember what I had that night, but it was more of the same.  And milk (I had no cream at all during this trip because I never bought any).

darlene michaud zero carb way of life (2)

Sunday 1/15 – Day 60

I ate more of my sliced beef, ground beef and sausage mix.  As usual, I cooked all my meat in butter (real butter folks, not margarine. I’m shocked that some don’t know the difference).  Quite sure that was the night that I was just too sick of meat, so for dinner, I scrambled and ate 6 eggs.  Eggs are absolutely allowed on ZC but they really should be a side to meat.  But I was just not feeling it so I opted for just eggs which was certainly better than eating something not ZC.

darlene michaud zero carb way of eating meat only diet

Monday 1/16 – Day 61

More of the same!  Beef and ground beef this time.  I’m quite sure I also cooked chicken but for some reason, I don’t see it on the plate.  It might be buried under there.  I know there was some chicken breast pieces in this mix.  And Skylar helped me devour this.  That night, Derrick and the kids had pizza and chicken wings.  I just ate more of my meat.  I did have one piece of Skylar’s pepperoni that she shared with me.  I could have had chicken wings, but just felt like eating beef.

Tuesday 1/17 – Day 62

This was the day I flew back to Maine.  I cooked ground beef and small cuts of beef (no photo).  I brought that in a bag on the plane.  Not sure what security thinks when they see a big bag of meat, but they said nothing about it. lol  I grazed that day and was not really hungry.  I probably only ate a pound of meat total during my trip.  When I got home, I stopped at Roger’s to buy meat and I had a nice big meal before bed.  And some milk.

You can watch THIS VIDEO to learn why I’m doing this.

This is the facebook group I’m in.  It’s a public group so you can read the posts without joining.

I will be talking about this new way of life often on my Youtube channel, so please subscribe and you won’t miss a thing!

This is the article that I stumbled upon by Kelly Hogan which got me immensely excited.   And this is Kelly’s blog.

PLEASE READ: Please remember that it’s MY CHOICE to eat the way I want. If you think this is unhealthy, know I’m not as concerned with physical health. I’m more concerned with my mental health. I’m on a mission to feel better mentally… without cravings!!! I’m willing to test this so you don’t have to! But what works for me might not work for you. I’m not doing this to lose weight. I’m doing this because I’m convinced that I’m overly sensitive to carbs and that I must stay away from them if there is any chance of me feeling better. I’m eating from the animal kingdom only, like the complete opposite of vegan. I know this upsets many, but I promise I won’t eat your pets. You are free to follow my progress/failures and you can even disagree with what I do. Just remember that I will get the last word because it’s my blog, my channel, my life! That’s the new me talking! (I think I’m growing balls! Let me look… yes, I see one starting to grow!)


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