Brick House by the Commodores

Get Down Tonight – KC and the Sunshine Band

You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees

Super Freak by Rick James

Unglued by Stone Temple Pilots

Car Wash by Rose Royce

Rearviewmirror by Pearl Jam

What I Ate Yesterday – Day 21

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REMINDER:  I will be weighing myself for you on January 1st, so don’t forgot to come back for that! I’m not in this for the weight loss, but I know many are curious (me too) so I will be reporting my weight for curious minds!

Yesterday – Wednesday 12/7 – Day 21

Three weeks completed!  How totally quick that went by! Next thing I know, I’ll have been doing this for 3 months, and then who knows, maybe 3 years!  I don’t really look past today. Just going to do it as long as it feels right.

When I got up, I had my daily coffee with heavy cream.

At 3:30pm, I ate the awesome meal you see above. And I ate practically all of it.  I left a bit of meat on the plate.  That egg on top was the leftover egg from my late night meal the night before. And then I have my lovely pat of butter on there too.  You can watch me cook that meat here.

At 9:00pm, I was not hungry, I was not hungry, I was not hungry. Then suddenly, I was hungry!  lol  That’s how it seems to happen for me.  I was actually going to bed early but decided to cook 5 eggs in butter and added more of the lose meat that I made above.  I had quite a big serving. I ate all 5 eggs and almost all the meat that I took.  So yes, that means I had 6 eggs total in one day. That’s quite alright. No worries!

After my meal of meat and eggs, I had about 2 gulps of light cream. I went to bed quite content and woke up early (for my mother’s appointment) and I was able to get up with no headache and a much clearer head than I used to have before I started eating this way. There is hope for me yet!

Food that entered my mouth yesterday:  beef (ground, shoulder roast), pork (tenderloin, bacon), eggs, cream (heavy and light), butter, coffee, water.

You can watch THIS VIDEO to learn why I’m doing this.

This is the facebook group I’m in.  It’s a public group so you can read the posts without joining.

I will be talking about this new way of life often on my Youtube channel, so please subscribe and you won’t miss a thing!

This is the article that I stumbled upon by Kelly Hogan which got me immensely excited.   And this is Kelly’s blog.

PLEASE READ: Please remember that it’s MY CHOICE to eat the way I want. If you think this is unhealthy, know I’m not as concerned with physical health. I’m more concerned with my mental health. I’m on a mission to feel better mentally… without cravings!!! I’m willing to test this so you don’t have to! But what works for me might not work for you. I’m not doing this to lose weight. I’m doing this because I’m convinced that I’m overly sensitive to carbs and that I must stay away from them if there is any chance of me feeling better. I’m eating from the animal kingdom only, like the complete opposite of vegan. I know this upsets many, but I promise I won’t eat your pets. You are free to follow my progress/failures and you can even disagree with what I do. Just remember that I will get the last word because it’s my blog, my channel, my life! That’s the new me talking! (I think I’m growing balls! Let me look… yes, I see one starting to grow!)


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