Brick House by the Commodores

Get Down Tonight – KC and the Sunshine Band

You Should Be Dancing by Bee Gees

Super Freak by Rick James

Unglued by Stone Temple Pilots

Car Wash by Rose Royce

Rearviewmirror by Pearl Jam

My New Blogging Plan for the New Year – Let’s Make it a Good One!

I use affiliate links in some of my posts. I may earn a commission if you use my links. Full disclosure.


Dear fans, followers, readers… in other words, dear friends!

I think I need to rework how I’m running my blogging business so I can bring you the best of the best without losing my mind.  I throw myself sooooo deeply into what I do that I let myself feel horrible if I miss out on posting some good deals, or if I don’t explain things the right way, or if I don’t include every little detail. And I want to beat myself miserably up when I make mistakes or confuse you. I obsess with everything I do, and I always have. It’s not just my blog. It is, however, something I’m working on :O)

I want to let you know a little bit of what goes on behind the scenes of a coupon blogger…

First, I need to find deals. I find many deals on my own and do my very best to do my homework to see that the deals will work. I don’t always get it right. I also find deals through other bloggers, and since we are all in different locations, the deals they post might not work in my area. Prices might differ, the product might not be available, and the sale might not even exist in our neck of the woods. Other bloggers also make mistakes (that fact brings me much comfort…lol!) so if they make a boo boo, I pass that boo boo on to you. One thing I know, every blogger that I follow has only the best intentions of getting it right! We are all just human, I guess.

Beyond the deals, there are emails, blog comments and facebook posts.  I spend maybe half my time reading everything and trying to answer every question.  And I want to continue that.  I figure if you take the time to ask me a question, you deserve an answer! After all, I’m here because I want to help. I think facebook is getting very confusing and I fear I miss questions there. So, the best way to get a reply from me it by leaving a comment below the actual post or by emailing me at dzines @ Please continue to ask me questions. I never want you to think that’s a hassle for me.  It’s what I want you to do!

As for my Deals by Darlene facebook page, that page belongs to all of you! I would love it if those of you who know the answer to someone’s question, to please step up and help them.  By helping them, you are also helping me.  And don’t worry if you don’t give them the exact perfect answer because I screw with people’s minds too! LOL  I love how much activity my facebook page gets and I want to keep it that way. I can’t thank you enough for visiting like you do.

Then there is the field work. I walk the stores to do price checks. I take time to chit chat with management, customer service, cashiers, and even other shoppers (I’m almost a shopper stalker!). I grab the Shaw’s flyer on Mondays and post it on my site. And if things are not going as planned for us, like when we get crazy sales and new kinds of bonus coupons, I try very, very hard to get all the details to make couponing easier for all of us.  I have even called other stores and talked to management on your behalf!

In addition to helping you, I also have to help myself too!  I am obsessed with saving as much money as I can so I am still a very active couponer. I print my coupons and plan my shopping trips just like you do. I know some couponers fizzle out after a while, but I’m still very much addicted.

With all that said…

Yesterday, I had to take time away from the computer to rest my completely fried brain. I made a few blogging mistakes which ended up being the straw that broke the camel’s back. I got some awesome emails assuring me it was not a big deal, and I totally appreciate that. A few mistakes alone would not break me. It’s just that over time, all the daily tasks start to become just too much. And if I can’t keep up, I lose my sanity. Temporarily, I hope.

I hope, beyond hope, that I didn’t scare anyone away by making you think I’m not happy with what I do here or that I’m getting sick of it.  I totally love my blog and my online family.  And I could have (and probably should have) just taken a day off without mentioning how stressed I was. But, I feel so comfortable telling you stuff that I just went ahead and let you know that I had hit a brick wall.  I know I share way too much information at times, but when I feel the need to spurt something out on the spur of the moment, you are right there at my fingertips!

So, here is my new plan…

I will cut back a bit on the very complicated deals and not keep repeating myself to make sure I get it right. I’ll throw it out there once then move on. If I make a mistake, I’ll survive.

I will encourage and accept any help I get from YOU on my facebook page. It’s very hard for me to delegate because I feel like I should always do everything myself (another thing I’m working on). But, as my facebook page gets more active, I have noticed that it’s SUCH a big help to me when someone answers someone else’s question. Thank you for that. Keep up the good work! ;o)

I will continue to answer all email questions and questions that come to me via blog comments. And I want you to continue to ask for help… always.

I will cut back a bit on reading every comment I get for giveaways. I totally enjoy reading them, and will still read them when I ask you for specific comments (like your most embarrassing moments… that was funny!). But, for the most part, I only require a comment so I will get an email notice stating that you entered the giveaway. I’ve had several giveaways that took in 500 to 700 comments. I have to accept that there is no way to read all that.

I will turn my email off and will open it when I feel up to it and will answer questions in batches. Honestly, there are times I jump off the couch when I hear the email bell because I feel like I’ve failed you if I don’t reply right away. That’s not normal, or so I’m told. LOL

I won’t be able to post all the deals you send to me.  I love, love, love that you share the deals you spot, but again, I just don’t have the time to post them all. I encourage you to still share your finds, but please don’t take it personally if I don’t post it.

I will try to cut back on my own shopping. I have got to learn to be okay with not getting every deal out there.  I have been working on that for a while now, and I’m certainly getting better at staying out of the stores. But, I still stress out big time when I purposely stay home knowing I will miss a deal. (P.S. I’m in therapy… there, I said it!)

I think that’s about it….

That is my new plan.  I want to step back just a bit so I can keep a clear head.  And when I get stressed, I will rest.  Now I’m worried that I’ve bored you to tears or that you think I’m full of myself. OMG, I am so full of myself. As if you needed to read all this! What was I thinking?!? Now I will stress over this.  See how I am?  Thank goodness I see my therapist today!! :O)


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16 comments to My New Blogging Plan for the New Year – Let’s Make it a Good One!

  • Lail

    Dont beat yourself up Darlene, you do a great job! We all appreciate what you do and of course you need to take time for yourself, we all do, I am much pickier about deals now that Ive been doing this for awhile. Unless its something new that I want to try if my family wont use it its not a deal!! and by the way the Tei Pei deal worked for me they just took off 3.99 from the bogo.

  • John S

    Don’t sweat it. The quality of your help to us will stay high if you aren’t stressed.

    PS – Do you use coupons at the therapist?

  • Sharon

    I am my own worst critic so I get it. I have always been that way and I also do not like missing deals…and my stockpile reflects that.

    You have to have your own time away from your blog…you have a great plan, when you have had enough just turn us off and do what you need to do for you. I don’t believe anyone expects you at your computer 24 hours a day..we all love you and what you do. Stop and smell the ROSES!!!!

  • Sounds like a plan Darlene!