PRE-ORDER – Forest Friends Fabric Panel (2112)

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Image might be blurry because they have low resolution images.

I’m taking orders NOW for this fabric panel! It might be 2 to 3 weeks before you receive this fabric.  If my supplier runs out of stock, I will refund your order.

NOTE: This is from a new supplier. They say they ship quickly but I’m not sure what shipping service they use. Plan on at least 3 weeks and maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised by quick shipping.

Supplier did not give measurements for this one but I’m going to assume it’s about 24″ x 44″ panel. I hope I’m right!  That’s what size this type usually is.

NOTE: You will be able to change the quantity after you add to the cart.

PRE-ORDER – Forest Friends Fabric Panel (2112)
Exclusive Price: $9.75 + FREE shipping
will be $13.75 for non exclusive shoppers.


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