I had an awesome and uplifting visit to my Sanford Shaw’s on Friday. First, I must tell you that I was on a mission when I walked in the door. I had to talk to Mrs. Purdy about a not-so-good experience I had on Monday night. And when I say not-so-good, I mean I cried in the car when I left and took three days off from couponing. Yes, couponing can be stressful!
I won’t get into all the details about my Monday night madness, but let’s just say it boils down to how I was treated by a cashier. Mrs. Purdy (I’m so sorry Mrs. P but I don’t know your exact position, store director? Assistant store director?) had asked me to do something to sort of kind of test the cashiers. First time I performed the task, all was find and dandy. The second time, I was humiliated, made to feel like a liar, and found myself to be the topic of gossip only minutes after the incident, while I was standing only a few feet away!
I. Was. Crushed.
Friday, I asked to speak to Mrs. Purdy and both she and Vicki (customer service manager) came down to hear my story (they are by far THE MOST wonderful women any Shaw’s could ever hope to have working for them). They were completely tuned in to my report and they were beyond happy that I came in to talk to them about my experience. They were so grateful that they gave me a $20 gift card just for being me!
After my meeting, I felt renewed and was ready to shop again. I had not planned a shopping trip, but I knew there were a couple things I could pick up. I got my Hormel Compleats for 50¢ each. I also knew that TransOcean Lobster Classic was on sale and I had lovely coupons for that too (got those coupons in the mail), so I picked up 4 packages for a total of $3.76 (that’s 2 pounds of imitation lobster for under four bucks!).
Then I checked out the reduced sections of the store. The reduced dairy and reduced produce are my favorites. I find lots of good deals there! Here’s what I got on Friday:
2 reduced Heluva Good dips marked down to $1.00 each. I had two $.50/1 coupons that doubled and got both dips for FREE!
1 bag Fresh Express lettuce marked down to $1.00 (“best by” date still 3 days away). I had one coupon for $1/1 Fresh Express so I got it for FREE!
3 boxes of Wholly Guacamole marked down to $1.00 each. OMG, I could not believe that treasure find!!! I had three coupons for $1/1 Wholly product so I got all 3 boxes for FREE! (I had one coupon left… how I wish there would have been four boxes!).
So that was my Friday. I got FREE food, a FREE $20 gift card, and I was FREE to be me! Thank you Mrs. P and Vicki! You both ROCK!
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Superb knowledge! I have been hunting for anything such as this for quite a while finally. With thanks!
[…] that’s if I do only my usual traveling. And I know I can stretch that $60 worth of FREE food (along with the $20 Shaw’s gave me just for being me) to last me two months, maybe even three months. That means no more out of pocket spending for me […]