I stopped by Shaw’s to pick up the last of the freebies I won during the Wish Big, Win Big game (I won more stuff here). While there, I figured I’d also pick up some free Mueller’s. Then I grabbed celery and yellow squash from reduced produce.
I got everything you see in the picture for just $1.29. And I found a penny on the ground, so my actual OOP was $1.28… (tee hee)
Here’s the breakdown:
Transaction 1:
1 FREE Chips with winning ticket
1 FREE Dish soap with winning ticket
1 FREE Canned pasta with winning ticket
1 FREE Canned veggies with winning ticket
4 FREE yogurts with winning tickets
4 boxes Mueller’s pasta, $1 each, FREE with these coupons
3 Yellow squash in reduced for $1.34
coupons doubled fully so I got $.40 overage
Total was $.94
Transaction 2:
4 boxes Mueller’s spaghetti, $1 each, FREE with these coupons
1 Celery in reduced for $.75
coupons doubled fully so I got $.40 overage
Total was $.35
Grand total was $1.29
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I have tons of tokens from the Wish Big Win Big at Shaw’s. How did you get these free items though? I didn’t really understand how to play the game.
Some of the tickets are instant winners. It will say FREE can of Shaw’s pasta or whatever. I think I got 14 instant winners in all.